Guide to Remarketing Ads for Your Dealership in 2019


A Guide to Remarketing Ads for Your Dealership

Do you know what a remarketing ad is? Remarketing is an umbrella term for the act of advertising to the same person more than once. For example: when someone views a vehicle on your dealership website, you can have an ad for that car show to that customer as they browse other websites. Another example is if a user fills out a form on your site but doesn’t submit it, you can send them an email to friendly remind them that the form hasn’t been completed.

Did you know that 30% of people visiting an online store put something in their cart, but only 3% actually check out ( Customers are interested, but they won’t fully complete a conversion and then may possibly forget about it. That’s where remarketing ads come in handy. The idea is that when you see something over and over, you will think about it more frequently and want to have it. For example: your friend has this cool shirt and you keep seeing it again and again, and eventually you decide that you have to have it for yourself. That’s kind of how remarketing ads work.

Benefits of Remarketing Ads for Auto Dealers

  1. Higher conversion rate – you are reaching customers that were already interested
  2. Better ad relevancy for users
  3. Brand exposure – expose your dealership brand to more potential customers
  4. Better ROI (return of investment) – spend ad money that will actually produce results
  5. Easy to create ads – use dynamic remarketing options to save time

Are you ready to get started? If you want start remarketing the old-fashioned way, you’ll have to collect customer information first.

How to Collect Customer Information
As a dealership, an inventory gateway page is an excellent way to collect customer information such as name, phone number, and email address. With AutoJini, you can build a custom lead generation form that pops up when a customer goes to view your inventory under the guise of a giveaway or a survey. From there, you can use the information to manually call or email previous visitors of your website.

Another way to collect information is to set up a giveaway or a survey at your dealership that asks for the same information that you would ask from an inventory gateway page. This way you can contact people who have previously visited your dealership in person.

Of course, the most basic way is to ask the customers who visit your dealership or complete a purchase for their information. These customers are the most likely to give you their information as well as the least likely to ask to be removed from your contact lists.

How to Start Remarketing
Take your collected customer information and put them in a “Remarketing” contact list. For phone calls, the best way to do this is to store your information in a Customer Relationship Management system (CRM). You can use your CRM to set up reminders for when to get back in contact with previous customers and visitors.

For email efforts, we recommend using an email marketing software. Email marketing is a powerful way to generate qualified leads. It is also the preferred form of communication for most customers. AutoJini’s Campaigner8 email marketing tool lets you send mass emails at once and gather analytics to track your engagement, such as seeing each email as it is opened.

An important part of remarketing is to put your customers’ needs first. If they ask to unsubscribe from your email list or to be added to your “Do Not Call” list, it is important to respect their wishes.

Setting Up Remarketing Ads on Google Ads
One way to set up remarketing advertisements is to use Google Ads. Go to your “Audiences” tab and click on the “Set up remarketing” button. You’ll want to use your Google Analytics tag and add the code to your website. From here you can decide if you want to remarket to users who visited your website, visited your competitor’s website, or both.

You’ll have the following options of ways to remarket:

  • Standard
  • Dynamic
  • Video
  • Customer list

We recommend the option of dynamic remarketing, which means that the specific car(s) that the user viewed on your website will show up as ads when they visit other websites. It’s easier and automated, which will save you time.

For more information on remarketing through Google Ads, click here.

When you are collecting consumer information, be sure to comply with data privacy regulations. See here for the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and click here for data protection laws in the United States (sections 9 and 10) In general, if you are only asking for a consumer’s name, phone number, and email address and you’re sure to give them the option to opt out, you should be completely fine.

Are you in need of a dedicated marketing team to set up or run your remarketing ad campaigns for you? You’ve come to the right place! AutoJini has been working in the automotive industry for over 18 years. Contact us today for a free quote at 515-232-2024, or click the button below to get started!

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